October 22nd, 2018 - Flaubert Again
Dear TNY,
I really enjoyed how short “Flaubert Again” was. In the future, can you please ensure that if the story you are publishing is a name-based, ignorantly cocksure, piece of modern art (read: trash), that it can be read rather swiftly such that I can move on with life. This life, in fact, includes other reading and writing which I’m sure, if given the time, I can quantifiably prove is better spent than what you subject the world to weekly.
Specifically this week’s piece, though, was the noodling of writer’s mind whilst she was unable to actually write a story. And she looked at the noodling and said, “Goddamn. I’m brilliant.” Nah. Not really. What she said was, “I know in my heart this is trash. But I’m going to pass it on anyway.” And you, TNY, you fucking patted her on the back. You failed to edit. You likely failed to understand the piece at all and thought, “Yeah bruh, if she sent it to us it has to be good.”
So you let her down. And you let us down. Like, who aren’t you letting down with your fiction? Send me their deets and I’d like to talk about what they see in it.
I thought about writing a critique that was longer than the story. Then I realized I didn’t want to.