January 8th, 2018 - Foreign-Returned
Dear TNY,
I possess an MFA. I know. I expected that shudder. Let's move past it together.
After a couple of years in the program, there was a group of us boozing, as per usual, and we lit upon the conversation topic of worst rejections/comments from our mentors. Someone said, “She cut the last four pages and worte, ‘UNNECESSARY.’” I regaled the group with how my mentor once called out an error I was making in a story over and over (I cannot recall the error now) and stated that if I did it one more time he would murder me. I proceeded to error again. He lost his shit and gave me a +500-word-degradation of my writing, my ethics, and my soul. When I read this, I chuckled, naturally, as I knew he was joking. It was the first time he threatened to kill me, though.
Then a student told the group that the worst criticism he received was a single line next to a mark about ⅔ of the way down the first page of a story. It said:
This is where I would stop reading if I wasn’t being paid to continue.
TNY, I’m not being paid to read your stories. I don’t have to keep reading them. “Foreign-Returned” shouldn't have been published. Short list as to why: Overwrought, nothing happens, poor characterization, agenda-fest. So I’m not going to finish it. I quit in less than 1000 words. And that sucks because I’m at letter #2 for the year and I already want to shred your physical magazine like the Tasmanian Devil on cocaine. Do you read these manuscripts or is the bar at TNY just a really crusty turd glued to a desk and if one of the interns can flick a paper football over it then the story goes in? I don’t understand your logic. This non-art does not compute.
I’m not wasting any more time with this discussion as there is a dog barking nearby and has been, non-stop, for an hour; I’d rather spend my time with that.
With sincere admiration for what you could be doing (#StranglerBob),