January 22nd, 2018 - Writing Teacher


Dear TNY,

I’d like to offer some apologies.  I hope one or more of these will cover the circumstances surrounding the publication of “Writing Teacher.”

I’m sorry the state of short fiction is such that you are forced to publish stories like this.

I’m sorry the socio-political climate demands an agenda above exceptional writing and you must succumb to rabble demands and/or feel obligated to lower your standards.

I’m sorry the fiction editor lied to you about his or her qualifications.

I'm sorry that you have forgotten the definition of "raw".

I’m sorry the price of financial failure for you is higher than it is for all the fledgling writers out there ripping their fucking hearts out for one great sentence/paragraph/story while slaving at a beige job just to keep stringing letters together.

I’m sorry there isn’t anyone around you willing to raise their hand and say, “We’ve lost our way.”

I’m sorry Denis Johnson is dead.  And Raymond Carver.  And Flannery O’Connor.  And J.D. Salinger.  A Papa H.  And Virginia Woolf.

I’m sorry you’re so afraid.  Honestly, it has to be depressing to know what you are doing to the industry and continue to do it every day because bravery is beyond your reach.

I’m sorry passion hasn’t visited your doorstep in so long that you mistake controversy for it.

I’m sorry all of us — you, me, everybody — aren’t better.

Wishing you all the best, big guy,

