April 6th, 2020 - Love Letter
Dear TNY,
It’s another Monday in the ‘ronies world and I just wrapped up a reading of “Love Letter” and I have thoughts.
But, I really don’t know what these thoughts are.
I’m gonna be frank with you. As you know, I think what you publish is almost all trash. And I have specifically harped on how terrible your insistence on publishing agenda stories is. One time, I got so fucking infuriated by your consistent sullying of literature with agenda stories, that I reached out to an author whom I respect and have heard say in an interview that agendas are the death of stories. I wanted to discuss with this author that concept, the agenda concept, more deeply than was addressed in the interview because I felt like I was insane and he was the only one speaking the truth. And he, miraculously, responded. And I don’t feel right pulling his words into this document now, as I feel that would somehow be disrespectful. But he did validate my opinion (which was his before I had it; I obviously did not invent it) that to take on an agenda in a story usually will buffalo the story away from what it wants to be and, instead, into something that adheres to an idea (not the characters and their journey). He was so kind. So articulate. And so quick to respond to me…me who has no business mixing it up with writers at all. I’m trash, if we’re honest. And I was humbled by the experience. Grateful. And thankful.
That author was George Saunders.
So, I am currently at a loss as to how this story exists at all as it is not even a thinly veiled agenda piece. But, I don’t know the agenda. Because it’s just validating what is: That there isn’t anything you can do, critical time or not, other than sit back and hope it plays out differently in the future. And maybe that’s the point. I don’t know.
What I do know is that I’m going to reach out to him, not you, TNY, and very respectfully ask…why? How is this story different from agenda stories. Because I’m not seeing it. But I owe it to this man, a wizard of kindness, whose pages I have read and respected for years, I owe it to him to try. I know this isn’t usually my stance. I’m an asshole. I get that.
But the motherfucker reached across time and space once and gave me a hug and told me to hang on, be brave, watch for the signs, and keep fighting. So I’m gonna.
P.S. I reached out and he already wrote back, fully cementing his status as a wizard of absolute kindness.