June 6th, 2022 - The Boy Upstairs
Dear TNY,
Reporting for duty from Palmetto State Park, Texas. And today’s story was “The Boy Upstairs”.
And, meh. It’s just not that good or bad. Like, it feels very much like a production story. There’s no Pollack in it, you know? No flair for the tossing of paint.
Okay. I’ll be nice. The amount of mystery surrounding all the weird turns in this story is a positive. And the weird turns themselves are positive. But, that’s the end of it.
The ending and its lack of clarity on the noise seem like a weak gimmick that could be seen miles away (as that’s short story writing 101). The continual interiority of the MC was a little too overpowering with regard to self-questioning and that could have used some pruning.
And, another story about some writing professor? Jesus fuck are you guys getting as tired of that trope as I am (especially from you)?
I don’t know, it didn’t work for me. I thought the speed of the piece was right. The pacing. I like the reveals of more absurd shit done wrong, kind of. But it all felt kind of…clever…but not in the way that it was actually clever. Like, it felt like the author was aware of the aspects of cleverness in this story, and was happy to flex on them (e.g. the Facebook pictures with the student as add-ons at the time of firing over the “Fuck off” in the student’s assignment (which is what I write to you so often!)). It all just felt staged. I don’t know.
That’s all I have. I’m tired. I have spent a lot of time in the sun today. Went swimming with my kids. Made a killer dinner. And we are out in the world doing real shit. I guess that doesn’t compare to your magazine, oh Lord, our Savior, thy Lady TNY.
See you next week.