January 7th, 2019 - Philosophy of the Foot


Dear TNY,

So I’m a bit late on “Philosophy of the Foot.”  No matter, though.  Because it’s fucking unreadable.  To that end, I didn’t.  My copied document shows 12 pages.  And I made it through two pages. 

This is an agenda story with too many characters and and and and everything is shit.  The best part of this story was quitting after two pages. 

Before I close, I’d like to mention something I have been discussing with a friend.  AWP is in March in Portland, OR this year.  I’ll be there.  Maybe we can chat.  Anyway, this friend and I have been discussing how we can’t seem to find any panels that are about how to write the best fucking story possible.  A story that moves people.  A story that, regardless of agenda, transcends.  A story that is Capital A Art.  Instead, the panels are about being inclusive, inoffensive, and other notable techniques to render a story that is devoid of storytelling, Capital A Art, or anything else recognizable as a good use of time.  So on one hand, fuck you and your ludicrous magazine.  On the other hand, I seem to be some arcane beast digging through the muck looking for actual fucking literature in a world that no longer wants to produce it.  You are on the shortlist of moronic tastemakers looking for headlines (instead of Art) and printing stories for a sea of plebes who can’t tell the difference between trash and Art.  Soylent fucking Green, man.  Keep on ruining literature you self-congratulatory douche.  It doesn’t mean I have to buy into your bullshit.

So, fuck your face, TNY, and this story that could have been turned out by a high school student for a “culture” assignment.

Happy New Year,


Nicholas DighieraComment