January 14th, 2019 - All Rivers
Dear TNY,
There is absolutely no way I am wasting any more time on “All Rivers.”
I don’t even know what to say anymore with these pieces of shit you are publishing. The first five paragraphs are terrible descriptions of a girl that characterize the narrator as a moron. Now, it’s fine to have an unreliable narrator or a moron narrator, but the motherfucking story had better be interesting. This is not. I stopped reading on page two. Then I read further down and saw that after 2222 words, there was dialog. So what I gathered was that this terrible fucking narrator continues to ramble through awful storytelling for over 2k words and then dialog and then mostly more shit block summary. Utter bullshit, TNY.
(Paused to eat a burger)
Yep, I just spot read here and there in the rest of story and found that he still cannot get the story out. Real nice.
Fuck did I need a good story today. What a fucking waste.