March 11th, 2019 - All Will Be Well
Dear TNY,
Fuck you for publishing “All Will Be Well”. This story is straight up trash.
Summary vs Scene. Again you torture us with all this introspection from the main character. Most of the “story” that Lily is telling has been summarized by the MC in favor of detailed and pointless reflection. But I couldn’t care less about this character because she is a passionless, weak writer who can’t tell a fucking story (SHE ADMITS THAT SHE CAN’T TELL A FUCKING STORY IN THE FUCKING STORY). Why should I care? The author hasn’t done his or her job here with regard to endearing qualities so I am not drawn toward this character. I guess, maybe if you are a shitty fucking writer like you seem to be, TNY, then this would validate feelings of inadequacy. Now, do I feel inadequate as a writer? Sure. Every fucking day. But I know that this road (this level of writing and this type of story) isn’t the path I need to be on. Mainly because of aforementioned trash reference.
“Once upon a time, I was addicted to a salon.” The fact that you didn’t throw this fucking story out after that first fucking sentence is so enraging that I am binge drinking shitty beer and screaming at my computer. I mean, what the actual fuck are you thinking with this sentence? I don’t normally do this, but I’m adding my notes about this. They are quoted as such: fuck you fuck you fuck you.
Finally, this is another story about a fucking writer. A writer who is not good at writing. Who is not good at teaching. Who is, as far as I can tell, not good at anything. TNY, I’m honestly interested in the answer to this question: Why should I want this MC to continue living? Unless the purpose of this story is to make a character that is completely incapable of producing compassion, I cannot see why this story exists. I also really appreciate the authorial laziness to lean on existing literary references in the hopes that the story will be perceived as such. Yet, and I don’t think I’m wrong here, this story will be forgotten long before Joyce will be.
I would be embarrassed if I published this. I would be embarrassed if this was a story that I got published…ANYWHERE. I have no fucking clue what your criteria for acceptance is other than the story has to be absolute garbage.
Mr X, I stayed for the whole thing. Just to get more outraged. Would love to hear how this story succeeds.