July 22nd, 2019 - She Said He Said
Dear TNY,
“She Said He Said”. Oh my fucking God.
Summary summary. Summary summary summary summary. Summary, summary summary summary summary summary summary summary; summary summary. Summary. Summary summary summary, summary summary. Summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary. Summary summary. Summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary summary, fucking summary.
So, this story is terrible and is designed for the dumbest reader. A kind of reader that doesn’t actually want to be in the story, but pretend that they read it so they can participate in literary conversations with their friends. In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, this story is the CliffNotes of the actual, unwritten story that maybe this author thought about writing but then didn’t. The fact that you published this pile of shit, TNY, is fucking astonishing. I only finished this because it was around 1900 words. And I BARELY finished it because I could not give a fuck about any of these characters, this agenda, or really anything about this story at all. Because it was very apparent that the author had no desire to facilitate that care within a fit reader and you had no desire to correct that behavior.
In other news, I met the owner of the bar I have been writing these from lately. His name is Chuck. He was interesting. This story, not so much. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but you know I’m not. But I can’t believe that no one on your staff pushed back against this empty, worse-than-high-school-Fortnite-fan-fiction fiction.
You’re a bag of ass, TNY. Bloated, boil-infested, puss-covered, irregularly chunky, ass.
See you next time, twerps.