September 21st, 2020 - Switzerland


Dear TNY,

Switzerland”.  Who fucking cares? 

This entire story is summary.  Who the fuck reads summary?  Who can relate to it?  I was never in the story because the author was either too ignorant of writing to understand how to put me in the story, didn’t care enough to put me in the story because his or her ego thought this summarized version of a story was good enough, or he or she does know the difference between scene and summary but does not have the chops to put the me in the story.  I’m guessing, as this was edited by a number of people at your magazine, TNY, that no one, not the author or you, has any fucking clue why summary is bad.  This had to make it past a suite of people, and from here the incompetence of every one of them is as plain as the pumpkin color of our equally narcissistic president (i.e. too “brilliant” to be told otherwise). 

Just FYI:  Summary like this is akin to watching a movie in fast forward with the sound off.  Who likes that?  Nobody.  You guys are fucking idiots.

So, you know, fuck off and stuff.  G’day.


Nicholas DighieraComment