Dear TNY, “Tiny, Meaningless Things” is a rancid dickturd and you are an outright shiteater for publishing it…
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Welcome to the world of my obsessive passion about one of the preeminent short fiction publishers in the world, and their failure to deliver. Sometimes. Most of the time.
Dear TNY, fresh off a successful weekend trip in the van (over 200 miles!), I read this week’s offering, “Come Softly to Me”…
Read MoreDear TNY, another Monday comes rolling in and I started it with “Take Half, Leave Half”…
Read MoreDear TNY, fuck you and fuck “The Secret Source”…
Read MoreDear TNY, so, I think what you have done is reprinted “Roy Spivey” in the August 29th issue this week, but left it off the fiction list online…
Read MoreDear TNY, another Monday arrives and the engine hunt continues to remain unresolved, and you give me “Skyscrapers”.
Read MoreDear TNY, it’s a Monday in August and I’m in Portland, OR to fix my van (already sourced an engine!) and I just finished “The Muddle”…
Read MoreDear TNY, this week’s critique of “You Tell Me” is an easy one because I didn’t finish the piece of shit…
Read MoreDear TNY, it’s another Monday and the other night, way late, I realized that I didn’t see that you published four stories in your fiction issue, not three like you usually do, so I just finished up with “A King Alone”…
Read MoreDear TNY, I fully expected to not like “Peking Duck”…
Read MoreDear TNY, I won’t labor long on “Call Me Ishmael”…
Read MoreDear TNY, this Monday finds me in Grayson, Kentucky and I just finished “To Sunland”.
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